Monday, 19 January 2015

Norway - "The Teacher Trap" - the Norwegian Chain Reaction 2015

What do you do when you want more breaks instead of working......?
The students in the 6th grade have their solution. Enjoy!


  1. OMG! What a video. Brilliant work Norway!!! It was great fun to see your video.

  2. Great video, very funny and a great chain reaction...

  3. Very funny, very creative, very sophisticated and probably a lot of work to clean up afterwards.
    I hope the pupils came back after a loooong break to help you with it.

    In my opinion this video is among the best entries in the history of the ECR.
    Good luck for the voting!

  4. Hi Jan Erik and your team of fantastic engineers,

    I think this chain reaction is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! Not only is this video witty, it is full of very clever and creative ideas!

    This is a true advertisement for the project, a fantastic example for all chain reactions to come!

    I've watched it 5 times already and I'm absolutely sure I will watch it some times more, so if your video stats are booming, then you know who is responsible! ;-)

    And Steffen is absolutely right! If we would make an all-time-favorites ranking than it sure would be in my top three!

    Congratulations on a marvelous entry! Sure to do very well on the voting, next week!

    Best regards,

    Dave from Belgium

  5. jade form belgium26 January 2015 at 17:30

    it's really good and funny we should also honor probe

  6. Julie from Belgium26 January 2015 at 19:19

    this is very nice

  7. simonfromBelgium27 January 2015 at 19:50

    this is very very nice

  8. Very smart idea...I'm still laughing! I surely don't want to work as a teacher (or a cleaner- what a mess!) in Norway.
